Qualification and personal development for the tenure track phase

Our comprehensive qualification program enables you to continuously improve in the competence fields “subject knowledge and methodology”, “didactics, communication and cooperation”, “leadership and management”, as well as “self-competence and career planning”. Boost your career potential!

January 2025

DateTimeEvent titleHost
8 January 20259 a.m.Konfliktlösung und Mediation (in German)Center for Leadership and People Management
9 January 20254 p.m.GidL: Sexismus und Diskriminierung in der Lehre erkennen und vermeiden (in German)University Women's Representative
15 January 20259 a.m.Doktorand*innen effektiv führen (in German)Center for Leadership and People Management
15 January 202510 a.m.Führung im wissenschaftlichen Kontext (in German)University Women's Representative
16 January 20259 a.m.Führen von Teams (in German)Center for Leadership and People Management
17 January 20259 a.m.GidL: "Alles so schön bunt hier" - Gender- und diversitätssensibles Lehren, Prüfen und Betreuen (in German)University Women's Representative
20 January 202510 a.m.Führung und Motivation im Lehr- und Lernprozess (in German)Center for Leadership and People Management
20 January 202510 a.m.Selbstbehauptung und Selbstverteidigung für Frauen* (in German)University Women's Representative
21 January 202510 a.m.Bewerbungsunterlagen-Check (in German)Center for Leadership and People Management
23 January 202510 a.m.Herausfordernde Führungssituationen (in German)Center for Leadership and People Management
29 January 202510 a.m.LMUexcellent: Seed funding offers for postdocs & professors (restricted access)Research Strategy
29 January 20251 p.m.Netzwerken leicht gemacht (in German)Center for Leadership and People Management
31 January 20259 a.m.Personalauswahl in der Wissenschaft (in German)Center for Leadership and People Management

February 2025

DateTimeEvent titleHost
4 February 20259:30 a.m.GidL: Diskriminierungsfrei unterrichten und prüfen (in German)University Women's Representative
6 February 20259 a.m.Erfolgreich durch's Projekt (in German)Center for Leadership and People Management
7 February 20259 a.m.Emotionsmanagement (in German)Center for Leadership and People Management

Subject-specific opportunities for further qualification can be found on the websites of our faculties, research projects, and doctoral programs.

Note for international junior academics: Please be aware that some of our events are currently only available in German. We are constantly updating and improving what we have on offer. Please do feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

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